ETSA College Scholarship

In its inaugural year, the ETSA Youth College Scholarship raised over $1200 to be awarded
to two ETSA youth members. The goal of the ETSA Youth College Scholarship is to give back
to the ETSA youth members and encourage participation in the Saddlebred industry
through their college years. Funding for the scholarship is made possible by riders
participating in ETSA College Scholarship Classes at ETSA horse shows, where all the
entry fees go directly to the fund. Currently, there are two academy classes at ETSA horse shows 
that allocate entry fees to the fund.
A special thank you is owed to the Mid-South Spring Premier Horse Show for hosting
the classes in 2020 because the ETSA Spring Classic Horse Show was canceled due to COVID-19.
Applications are now available for the 2021 Scholarship award and is open to any 2020
or 2021 ETSA member who is in high school or college. Applications are due no later
than February 5, 2022. The winners will be announced during the 2021 Highpoint award banquet on Feb 12, 2022

Scholarship Application



©2023. East Tennessee Saddlebred Association. All rights reserved.

The East Tennessee Saddlebred Association is an American Saddlebred Horse and Breeders Association Charter Club.